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National nutrition mission

National nutrition mission overview : The National Nutrition Mission (NNM), also known as Rashtriya Poshan Mission has been launched by the government of India with three year budget of 9046.17 crore rupees. National nutrition mission or poshan abhiyan divied to curb the problem of malnutrition. The scheme was commenced from 2017-18. National Nutrition Mission as an apex body under Ministry of Women and Child Development will supervise, monitor, fix targets and guide nutrition related interventions all over the Ministries. It will also monitor an assortment of schemes contributing towards addressing malnutrition in India. Malnutrition as characterized by under-nutrition, over-nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies has a negative impact on the socio-economic development of any nation. Malnutrition erodes (demolish) social and economic gains made and put countries in a vicious cycle of poor nutritional status, high disease burden and increased poverty. Malnutrition has a signif